What is a Health Check?
A priority goal of Deadly Choices is to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to access their local health service and complete an annual ‘715 Health Check.’
The focus is on preventative health – encouraging community to not just see the doctor when they are sick, but to visit their health service and access supports to prevent or better manage chronic disease and remain healthy.
With a higher susceptibility to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart, lung and kidney diseases, it’s even more important for our communities to reduce the potential for, and impacts of, chronic diseases. Getting a health check regularly is the first step.
Having a health check every 9-12 months means a clinic can build a picture of health and measure changes in a client’s wellbeing – helping to prevent chronic disease from becoming a reality, and reducing the impact of existing chronic disease, while providing ongoing health management and support.
To encourage mob, our participating health services provide clients with a free Deadly Choices shirt upon completion of a health check. These shirts change annually, with a variety offered to attract different audiences. Other merchandise pieces are also offered to clients to incentivise follow-up appointments, vaccinations, and allied health appointments.